ANTHEM FILM FESTIVAL WINNER: GRAND PRIZE A documentary examination of historical events in Klondyke, AZ, where a family was killed by law enforcement agents for draft evasion after refusing to participate in WWI. [ Power's War credits: Dir: Cameron Trejo/ 70 min/ Documentary, History/ Anti-Draft] External Reviews "Separated from the rest of the world, the Powers family … [Read more...]
Free State | Documentary
Free State is a new libertarian documentary in the works. Per the film's website, "The main focus is The Free State Project, a group of approximately 10,000 libertarians that moved to New Hampshire in order to affect change, politically and socially. Is New Hampshire the freest state in the country? How does it compare to other "free" states? Will this movement prevail against … [Read more...]
Ithaka | Documentary
The father of Julian Assange wages a one-man campaign for the release of his son from prison. [ Ithaka credits: Dir: Ben Lawrence/ Stella Moris, John Pilger, John Shipton, Ai Weiwei/ 106 min/ Documentary/ Freedom of Speech/ 2021] External Reviews "Assange 'never wanted it to be him' in the spotlight, Melzer claims. 'It was about the States and their war crimes and their … [Read more...]
Great American Race Game | Documentary
An examination of the politics of race in America, and the history of its weaponization for political gain. [ Great American Race Game credits: Dir: Martin Durkin/ Bevelyn Beatty, Larry Elder, Kmele Foster/ 82 min/ Documentary/ Culture war/ UK/ 2021] External Reviews "Great American Race Game is a well-produced film that feeds the mind. It incisively delves into the heart … [Read more...]
Zora Neal Hurston: Claiming A Space | Documentary
The life and work of groundbreaking black anthropologist Zora Neal Hurston is explored in this PBS documentary. [ Zora Neal Hurston: Claiming A Space credits: Dir: Tracey Heather Strain/ Vanessa Williams, Bahni Turpin/ 113 min/ Documentary, Biography/ Individualism/ 2023] External Reviews "She’s viewed largely through the lens of her fiction, particularly 'Eyes,' the … [Read more...]
Eternal Spring | Documentary
UPDATE: Eternal Spring is now in theaters. It is getting tons of awards and has been submitted for the Oscars. Rotten Tomatoes currently shows 100% positive critics rating. An escaped Chinese citizen relates the actions of an heroic few who took over a Chinese TV station to expose the ongoing state genocide of the Falun Gong religious group. [ Eternal Spring credits: Dir: … [Read more...]
Cockroach | Documentary
Pro-democracy demonstrators fight an epic battle to save liberty in Hong Kong, against a brutal and Orwellian mainland China. [ Cockroach credits: Dir: Ai Weiwei/ 93 min/ Documentary/ Resistance to Tyranny/ 2020] External Reviews "Cockroach is a poignant tribute to the bravery and ingenuity of a citizenry on the front lines against China.” --The Times Literary … [Read more...]
The Hong Konger | Documentary
Billionaire Jimmy Lai gives up everything -- including his own freedom -- to fight against China's increasing authoritarian rule. [ The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai's Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom credits: Dir: Ron Holwerda/ Jimmy Lai/ 73 min/ Documentary/ Themes/ 2022] External Reviews "Deeply emotional and profoundly inspiring.” --National Review Links Official … [Read more...]
Battleground Melbourne | Documentary
A documentary examination of how Melbourne, Australia descended into a police state under the guise of medical necessity. [ Battleground Melbourne credits: Dir: Topher Field/ Avi Yemeni, Monica Smit, Rukshan Fernando/ 101 min/ Documentary/ Abuse of Power, Law & Liberty/ Australia/ 2022] Note: the full documentary can typically be found online via search. External … [Read more...]
Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution | Documentary
Education experts and parents are interviewed regarding the benefits of homeschooling and resources available to support it. [ Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution credits: Dir: Garritt Hampton/ Yvette Hampton, Heidi St. John, Sam Sorbo/ 97 min/ Documentary/ Government Schools/ 2021] External Reviews “Schoolhouse Rocked will rock your educational world to the … [Read more...]