Ever thought about becoming a filmmaker to promote libertarian ideas? It's never been easier. Two organizations will help you learn the craft, find funding for your project, and showcase the film at a film festival. Details here. … [Read more...]
New Disinformation Enforcer: Comedian Ryan Long
Comedian Ryan Long reveals that he is a new enforcer on the government's Disinformation Governance Board. In this short clip, he takes on disinformation in the tough streets of New York City. … [Read more...]
Citizen Jane: Battle for the City | Film Review
A journalist discovers spontaneous order in city development -- and takes on City Hall to fight its vision of a bulldozed, centrally-planned urban landscape. [ Citizen Jane: Battle for the City credits: Dir: Matt Tyrnauer/ 92 min/ Documentary/ Eminent Domain, Libertarian Heroes/ 2017] “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only … [Read more...]