Holodomor ("to kill by starvation) is what Ukrainians call the period from 1932-1933, when Stalin created a forced famine to punish the Ukraine's resistance to socialist collectivization. Estimates vary as to how many Ukrainians died, ranging from three million to twelve million. This tragedy and crime are remembered on Holomodor Remembrance Day. Here are four films to honor … [Read more...]
Four Halloween Films For Libertarians
Happy Halloween! Nothing is scarier than unrestrained government, of course, so here are four Halloween films on the subject. Enjoy! Ghostbusters (1984) This popular classic tells the story of an entrepreneurial ghost-removal service -- Ghostbusters -- that runs into opposition from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other creatures of evil. It seems that … [Read more...]
Nestor Almendros: Libertarian Film Hero
Nestor Almendros -- born October 30, 1930 -- is best known for his cinematography. He was indeed the favorite cameraman for directors Eric Rohmer and Francois Truffaut and was nominated for four Academy Awards for cinematography (Sophie's Choice, The Blue Lagoon, Kramer vs. Kramer, and Days of Heaven). However, he also directed two powerful documentaries that together blew a … [Read more...]
Honest Political Ads: Seven Short Films
These seven parody honest political ads mock the political process and the marketing machines that spin candidates to maximum advantage. Clint Webb For Senator The comedy group Whitest Kids You Know produced this parody political commercial. Charles McHutchence vs. Harrison Greeley III Two politicians battle it out in this parody political ad from HBO's Mr. … [Read more...]
Cameron Hawley: Libertarian Film Hero
Cameron Hawley -- born September 19, 1905 -- was an American fiction writer. Although he published only a few books, two of them were turned into films: Cash McCall and Executive Suite. Both films are unusual for their Randian tone and strongly pro-capitalism character. Cash McCall, the better of the two, took the top prize of Best Libertarian Picture at the First International … [Read more...]
Happy Convention of States Day!
On September 15, 1787, George Mason identified a serious oversight in the nearly-completed Constitution. As Article V had originally been drafted, it only allowed Congress to propose Constitutional amendments. But what if one day Congress were to become corrupt? The people would need another way to rein in its power. So the framers added an option to Article V allowing the … [Read more...]
Raoul Wallenberg: Happy Angel Birthday!
Raoul Wallenberg, born on August 4th, 1912 in Sweden, a hero who saved thousand of Jews in WWII, has been nearly forgotten but you can remember him this day with a good film that he himself liked. When Hitler began rounding up the Jews in Hungary in 1944, Wallenberg faced down the Nazi death machine with nothing more than courage and paper, partly by mass manufacturing fake … [Read more...]
July 4th, Independence Day: Eight Short Films
July 4th, Independence Day, is America's annual celebration commemorating its Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The Cato Institute has a nice summary of what is in the Declaration and why it is such a landmark in the foundation of human liberty: 1) We are all created equal -- no one ought to have any special rights and privileges in his social relations with other … [Read more...]
American Revolution Films For Your July 4th
Time to get ready for your July 4th celebrations. And what better way to remember what it's all about than with a good film? Here are a few American Revolution films I recommend. Note: You may want to consider buying DVDs. Since just last year, two of the six films listed below are now out of print and only available used and in limited quantity -- expect these stories of … [Read more...]
James Stewart: Libertarian Film Hero
James Stewart -- born May 20, 1908 -- made many films over his long acting career. Included among these are seven films of interest to libertarians, likely the record to date for any individual actor, and a record not just in quantity but in depth of libertarian content: two of his films are ranked among the Top 25 Libertarian Films ever made. His films touch upon multiple … [Read more...]