Prometheus Special Award Winner In a future totalitarian Britain, a secret masked hero known only as “V” attempts to overthrow the government. [ V For Vendetta credits: Dir: James McTeigue/ Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, Rupert Graves/ 132 min/ Action, Drama, SciFi/ Resistance To Tyranny/ 2005 ] External Reviews "The movie is so full of anti-authoritarian messages that … [Read more...]
Ghostbusters (1984)
An entrepreneurial ghost-removal service runs into opposition from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -- and other creatures of evil. [ Ghostbusters credits: Dir: Ivan Reitman/ Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis/ 105 min/ Comedy, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Horror/ Creator-as-Hero, Anti-Regulation, Pro-Capitalism] “Ghostbusters captures much of what its … [Read more...]
Shin Godzilla (2016)
Godzilla returns to attack Japan, but this time with an unlikely ally: a sclerotic Japanese government that is disastrously slow to respond. [ Shin Godzilla credits: Dir: Hideaki Anno, Shinji Higuchi/ Hiroki Hasegawa, Yutaka Takenouchi, Satomi Ishihara/ 120 min/ Action-Adventure, Sci-Fi/ Incompetent Government, Individualism/ a.k.a. Godzilla Resurgence/ Japan] “This film … [Read more...]
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
#1 HIGHEST-GROSSING FILM OF 2016 When political pressure mounts for the Avengers to submit themselves to UN control, Captain America refuses, leading to a violent split among the superheroes. [ Captain America: Civil War credits: Dir: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo/ Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson/ 147 min/ Action-Adventure, Sci-Fi/ Individualism, … [Read more...]
Wild Palms (1993)
In the near future a wealthy senator combines politics, religion, and virtual reality to create a dangerous authoritarian cult hell-bent on world domination—opposed only by “libertarians.” [ Wild Palms credits: Dir: Peter Hewitt, Keith Gordon, Phil Joanou, Kathryn Bigelow/ James Belushi, Dana Delany, Robert Loggia, Kim Cattrall, Angie Dickinson/ 278 min/ SciFi-Fantasy, Drama/ … [Read more...]
The Giver (2014)
When a 16-year-old boy discovers that the "perfect" managed society in which he lives is simply a drugged potemkin village, he must decide whether its superficially happy character is worth the price in terms of foregone human experience and lost liberty. [ The Giver credits: Dir: Phillip Noyce/ 94 min/ SciFi-Drama/ Individualism, Government enforced morality, Equality & … [Read more...]
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
A WWII veteran, transformed into a superhero by an experimental serum, discovers that the counter-terrorism unit for which he works has been corrupted and that its plans to preemptively eliminate threats through global surveillance may be a cover for something more insidious. [ Captain America: The Winter Soldier credits: Dir: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo/ Chris Evans, Samuel L. … [Read more...]
2081 (2009)
In a future America, all exceptional human intelligence and achievement is stamped out in order to eliminate the destructive consequences of envy. Based on the Kurt Vonnegut story, Harrison Bergeron. [ 2081 credits: Dir: Chandler Tuttle/ James Cosmo, Julie Hagerty, Armie Hammer /25 min/ Short Film, Drama, SciFi/ Equality & Envy, Individualism] Note: the full film can … [Read more...]
Equilibrium (2002)
In a future dystopian world, government forcibly drugs the population to keep it passive--until one of its own agents turns renegade and sets in motion a rebellion. [ Equilibrium credits: Dir: Kurt Wimmer/ Christian Bale, Emily Watson, Taye Diggs/ 107min/ Action-SciFi/ Government Enforced Morality] “For those who like to see their libertarian message delivered with a hail … [Read more...]
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001, 2002, 2003)
ACADEMY AWARD WINNER: BEST PICTURE (2003) ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE: BEST PICTURE (2001, 2002) A small band of heroes embark on a journey to destroy an all-powerful ring before its evil conjurer can use it to enslave the world. [ Lord of the Rings credits: Dir: Peter Jackson/ Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen/ 178min/ Fantasy/ Power Corrupts] “Lord of the Rings is … [Read more...]