Love Gov — a YouTube series of short satirical films that depict the federal government as an overbearing boyfriend — is raking in film festival awards, ten (so far!) including five from the 2016 Best Shorts Competition in Los Angeles. This outstandingly well-made comedy series, produced by the Independent Institute, communicates libertarian ideas with wit and theatrical excellence. “Love Gov is a way to help anyone, especially Millennials, understand the federal government’s ever-expanding reach into personal lives,” says David J. Theroux, Founder and President of the Independent Institute. “It’s a lighthearted approach to reach audiences on a personal level, and inspire them to learn more and take action.” In awarding Love Gov the 2016 award for “Best Libertarian Comedy,” Anthem Film Festival Director and Founder Jo Ann Skousen said about it: “Love Gov has it all — excellent production qualities, excellent libertarian values, and a powerhouse message about the suffocating nature of government delivered in an entertaining package.” The skits produced so far have been viewed in total over seven million times on YouTube.