Prometheus Special Award Winner
In a future totalitarian Britain, a secret masked hero known only as “V” attempts to overthrow the government. [ V For Vendetta credits: Dir: James McTeigue/ Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, Rupert Graves/ 132 min/ Action, Drama, SciFi/ Resistance To Tyranny/ 2005 ]
External Reviews
“The movie is so full of anti-authoritarian messages that it is hard to see them all in only a single viewing. Any movie about fear and the use of fear to control a populous and the resulting tyranny would be of interest to libertarians. One as well made and timely as V for Vendetta with such a fine script, great acting and focused directing deserves our attention.”
–Libertarian Futurist Society
“Many libertarians embraced V for Vendetta as a quintessentially libertarian movie. Some anarchists declared it anarchistic. But does it really present a libertarian vision of individual rights, the state, and social change? Is V’s message objectively libertarian? I don’t believe it is. In significant and insuperable ways, I view V as anti-libertarian.”
–Future of Freedom Foundation
How to See It
Amazon (Instant Video)
Amazon (DVD)
Online Video Search
Official Homepage
Related Film: 1984
Book: V Fori Vendetta