Several students apply to local charter schools, in order to escape the thoroughly broken and self-serving state-managed institutions that otherwise are their unhappy destiny…but not all who apply will make it out. [ Waiting for Superman credits: Dir: Davis Guggenheim/ 111min/ Documentary/ Government schools, Incompetent government]
External Reviews
“Waiting for Superman puts a human face on a crisis worthy of a superhero.”
–Miami Herald
“One problem with most schools, Guggenheim says, is that after teachers gain tenure in two years, it is almost impossible to fire them. In Illinois, for example, one out of 57 doctors loses his medical license, but only one in 2,500 teachers is fired…A union teacher is a teacher for life. That teachers themselves accept this is depressing.”
–Roger Ebert
“…a harrowing picture of a dysfunctional system defined by a tolerance for incompetence and a resistance to reform.”
–The Age
“By showing how fiercely dedicated idealists are making a difference, it is a call to arms.”
–New York Times
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Book: Waiting for “SUPERMAN”: (Participant Guide)
Book: The School Revolution: A New Answer for Our Broken Education System
Book: Separating School & State: How to Liberate America’s Families