The following are eight short films mocking social justice, political correctness, and attempts to restrict free speech. Warning: Those easily offended by may be triggered!
Modern Educayshun
An innocent student enters the Orwellian world of a college classroom, only to find that his lack of indoctrination makes him unwelcome. [7 min] [If you like this, you may also like this short film by the same director, Neel Kolhatkar: #Equality.]
How to Get Offended
Comedian JP Sears explains in three easy steps how to be offended by anything. [3 min]
Ain’t No Rest For the Triggered — Social Justice: The Musical
Internet sensation and comedian Chris Ray Gun mocks social justice in a short musical. [3 min]
Overly-Woke Support Group With Tracey Ullman
Comedian Tracey Ullman leads a support group for overly-woke young people. [2 min]
Trigger Warnings | We the Internet TV
A woke college professor explains trigger warnings to her perplexed students. [5 min]
When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything
In this short skit, comedian Ryan Long brilliantly skewers woke social justice warriors by noting how much they inadvertently agree with racists, their alleged arch-enemy. [2 min]
Comedian Steve Hughes: I Was Offended!
Comedian Steve Hughes mocks PC limits on “offensive speech” in this short clip entitled: I Was Offended! It was taken from his While It’s Still Legal comedy act. [2 min]
Snowflake: Bud Sugar Song Mocks Social Justice Crybullies
Snowflake is a great new song from the band Bud Sugar. It mocks crybullies in a lighthearted way and to a catchy beat. [3 min]
Evergreen State College Controversy (HBO)
HBO has released a 7-minute short film on the shocking SJW takeover of Evergreen State College (WA), where student mobs demanded white people leave campus for a day of anti-privilege…and one besieged professor stood his ground. The college has Masters in Teaching (MIT) degree that specifically incorporates social justice into every aspect of its curriculum. [7 min]