The theatrical release of the new film Little Pink House begins on April 15th, and spreads to major cities on April 20th. Currently scheduled showings include:
April 15:
New London, CT. Special Screening: Garden Arts Center
April 20-26:
New York: AMC Empire 25, Village East Cinema
Santa Monica: Laemmle Monica Film Center
Pasadena: Laemmle Playhouse 7
San Francisco: details coming soon
Berkeley: Landmark Shattuck Cinemas
Atlanta: Landmark Midtown Art Center
April 25:
Newport Beach, CA. Special Screening 7:30pm: Buy tickets now
April 27 – May 3:
Philadelphia: Landmark Ritz East
May 1:
Anchorage, AK. Special Screening 6:30pm: Buy tickets now
May 4 -10:
Boston: Landmark Kendall Square Cinema
San Diego: Landmark Ken Cinema
Denver: details coming soon
May 11-17:
Dallas: Landmark Magnolia Theater
Pittsburgh: AMC Waterfront 22
Phoenix: Harkins Shea 14
May 15:
Monterey, CA. Special Screening
Little Pink House — the story of Susan Kelo, a small-town nurse who fought against the eminent domain seizure of her home — has been touring film festivals throughout 2017 and has won several awards. More on the film here.
Additional showings can be arranged via, a service that enables ordinary people to show films in theaters if they can generate sufficient local demand. This could work well for libertarian groups with established email lists.