By 2017, the Chinese box office is expected to exceed that of the US for the first time. That’s music to the ears of Hollywood execs eager for new business, but their access to that lucrative market will depend on appeasing Chinese Communist Party censors. According to an article in the Guardian, “The censors have the last word. Crime stories cannot have too many details. Stories of corruption must end with the bad guy behind bars. No ghosts. No gay love stories. No religion. No nudity. No politics.” The article gives a view of the future of film through the eyes of several Hong Kong directors, who have long experience in dealing with the censors. Says one director: “Everyone who makes expensive films will have to make compromises, because China is where the money is. It’s that simple.” It was previously reported by Epoch Times that Hollywood is already editing American movies to satisfy Chinese censors, effectively allowing the CCP to censor for the US as well. An example: Men in Black 3 was “forced to cut a scene in which civilians’ memories are erased, a scene that a Chinese newspaper wrote may have been perceived as a commentary on China’s internet censorship policies.”