The new Swedish film “A Man Called Ove” is a touching comedy about a crotchety old man who has lost interest in life after the death of his wife. Happily, the incompetence of his new neighbors awakens his instinct to help others and returns him to his former voluntarist self. Ove is apparently libertarian, which is unusual for a main character, particularly in a European film. Says the News Observer, “The film is most enjoyable and inventive during the flashbacks, which chronicle Ove’s lifelong war with the White Shirts, his term for the countless, faceless bureaucrats who have made his life miserable at every turn. He tells us of how Sonja saved him, of how they fought the system together, and of their transformative love.” The Cap Times echoes the point: “Ove has a sweet courtship of his wife Sonja (Ida Engvoll) and develops a hatred for government bureaucrats (who he disparagingly calls “whiteshirts”) who meddle in the lives of ordinary folks. There’s a strong libertarian streak running through Ove.” The film is getting very good reviews.