Film director Zack Snyder has moved his planned film adaptation of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead to the back-burner, citing the current political climate.
In 2016, director Zack Snyder announced that he was working on The Fountainhead (full timeline here). “I’ve always felt like The Fountainhead was such a thesis on the creative process and what it is to create something.” He took a lot of flak for that over the ensuing years, but kept at it, even launching his new production company under the moniker “The Stone Quarry.”
However, in a recent summary of his current projects, Screenrant stated “Most notably, the filmmaker raised more than a few eyebrows when he revealed his plans to turn writer Ayn Rand’s infamous ode to Objectivism, the 1943 novel The Fountainhead, into a movie (and, later, a miniseries) in 2016. In a wise decision, he’s shifted the project over to the back-burner until further notice, citing the present political climate as a major motivating factor in his decision.”
Well, when the left can summon a violent mob to your home or workplace at will, hound you in the street or at restaurants, and destroy your property, and little or nothing is done about it by authorities, then yes, you no longer have the creative freedom to do something like this.