An ordinary Lego character joins a team of heroes to fight a government-backed crony capitalist, who intends to destroy the creative potential of the Lego world by gluing everything into place. [ The Lego Movie credits: Dir: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller/ Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks/ 100 min/ Animated, Comedy/ Anti-Regulation]
External Reviews
“There’s one important category missing from all the film awards ceremonies this month: The Most Libertarian Film of the Year…The Lego Movie shows us a compelling dystopian world of conformity, regulation and authority where everyone ‘must follow the instructions’ or be ‘put to sleep.’ It is a tale of the battle between the chaotic, creative destruction of freedom, and the rigid, forceful regulation of bureaucracy.”
–Adam Smith Institute
“There might not be a more classically liberal film in the history of film-making…”
–The Federalist
“You can make what you like of The Lego Movie, but your correspondent found its message to be pleasingly libertarian: suspicious of top-down power and supportive of individual rights (such as the right of Lego people not to spend eternity in the position Lord Business deems correct). Its target is dull conformity.”
–The Economist
“Filled to the brim with libertarian values…”
–Students for Liberty
“As the parent of small kids, it was inevitable that I would see The Lego Movie, but I was totally unprepared for the reaction I had to it. I have conservative friends who have actually suggested boycotts due to the ‘anti-business’ message of the film. So at best, I expected a typical kids movie. At worst, I expected more liberal indoctrination in the form of children’s entertainment. Instead, I found a classroom lesson in the ideals of populist libertarianism.”
–The American Spectator
“Subversively libertarian…a great critique of cronyism…”
–[Video Review] Jaimekid2
“My jaw literally dropped because I couldn’t believe what a great message it contained…”
–Mises Canada
“This movie is about the true joy and awesomeness that come about when people are autonomous and free.”
–Libertarian Movie Reviews
How to See It
Amazon (DVD)
Amazon (Instant Video)
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