Nineteen-year-old Jacob Lavaro faces a possible life sentence for making and selling marijuana brownies. [1 min/ Legalize drugs, Law & the individual]
UPDATE: “The Austin American-Statesman reports that Jacob Lavoro, the Texas teenager who originally faced a sentence of 10 years to life after he was caught with a pound and a half of hash-infused cookies and brownies, will get seven years of probation under a plea deal with the Williamson County District Attorney’s Office. The dramatic penalty reduction became possible after prosecutors dropped a first-degree felony charge that treated Lavoro’s baked goods as if they consisted entirely of hash oil.”
“Punishment for Hash Brownie Baker Drops From 10 Years in Prison to Seven Years of Probation,” Reason, 10/15/14
UPDATE: “The Williamson County DA dropped a first degree felony charge against 19-year-old Jacob Lavoro last week but he’s not out of the woods yet. He’s still facing up to 20 years. This afternoon Jacob and his attorney Jack Holmes met with the judge who set a tentative trial date of December 1st and a pretrial date of November 12th at 1:30 p.m…”
“Teen busted for pot brownies gets trial date,” MyFoxAustin, 9/4/14
“Teen facing life in prison for pot brownies awaits fate,” USA Today, 8/7/14
“Texas teen doesn’t deserve felony charge over marijuana brownies: attorney,” NY Daily News, 8/7/14
“How A Batch Of Hash Brownies Can Get You Life In Texas,” Forbes, 5/22/14
“’I’m frightened for my son,’ Teen faces life in prison for pot brownies,”, 5/16/14
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