This eight-episode Disney series is a tribute to Revolutionary War military hero Francis Marion, renowned for his lightning surprise attacks, who frustrated British efforts to control the South. [ The Swamp Fox credits: Dir: Harry Keller/ Leslie Nielsen, John Sutton, Joy Page/ 102 min/ Action-Adventure/ American revolution, Resistance to tyranny]
External Reviews
“The Swamp Fox is wily. And brave. And very clean–especially for someone who spends a lot of time around mud. That’s because this is Disney’s version of Francis Marion, the real-life Revolutionary War hero who fought the British on his own terms in the marshes of South Carolina.”
–Los Angeles Times
How to See It
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More Films About: American Revolution
More Films About: Resistance to Tyranny
Book: The Swamp iFox of the Revolution (Sterling Point Books)
Book: Francis Marion and the Legend of the iSwamp Fox
Book: Swamp iFox: General Francis Marion and his Guerrilla Fighters