Per the Daily Mail, “Pfizer has partnered with Marvel to create a comic book to urge people to get their Covid booster vaccines and be an ‘everyday hero’.” Apparently anyone can be a Pfizer-Man by just getting the jab and stopping the spread of the disease. Oh, but wait, Pfizer now says it has no idea if the vaccine stops the spread. Meanwhile, Moderna’s CEO let it slip that really it’s only the old and vulnerable who need to take the vaccine. But the important thing is that Pfizer generated $37 billion in sales from Covid vaccine sales in 2021 and predicts 2022 to be a “bumper year” for sales. Of course, all vaccines have side effects and so have to be weighed against their benefits, which is why some countries no longer recommend the vaccine for anyone under 50, but somehow that bit of information doesn’t make it into Marvels’ Pfizer “comic” (paid advertisement).
Meanwhile, a parody trailer has been released for a Pfizer-Man movie.
Comedian Ryan Long did a great comedy bit on the left’s oddly cozy relationship with Pfizer. After railing against Big Pharma for years, the left finally seems to have found a pharmaceutical company they like. You have to wonder why.
Lastly, here’s a fun super-cut video of claims about the Covid vaccine’s efficacy slowly being walked back from Fauci’s initial statement that it was 100% effective, all put to music.