The untold story of scandals involving Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, are recreated and dramatized, based on revelations from his recovered laptop. [ My Son Hunter credits: Dir: Robert Davi/ Gina Carano, Laurence Fox, John James/ Drama, Biography/ Corrupt Government/ 2022]
External Reviews
“Extremely well-directed, written and acted, with some crazy, funny moments and high drama. It takes a complex subject with many details and boils everything down to a digestible, absorbing story.”
“Both wildly entertaining and deeply affecting.”
“This film is Shakespearean-level tragicomedy.”
–Epoch Times
“Those who have found the scandals surrounding the Bidens — and not just Hunter — fascinating will find themselves amused by this irreverent comedy.”
–Hot Air
“Decidedly entertaining.”
“Several times, the film had me rushing to Google, where I discovered that this or that piece of unflattering Biden trivia was in fact rooted in truth.”
–The Independent
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The Unreported Story Society
9-3-22 | Per Newsweek, the trailer for the film has been viewed 2.6 million times and in a small private showing of the film to conservative Hollywood insiders it got a standing ovation.
9-3-22 | Without even having seen the film, just based on the trailer, leftist publications are already coming out swinging, calling the Hunter Biden laptop story a “conspiracy theory,” despite it having already been validated. I guess the plan is to try to resurrect the old narrative through repetition. Mother Jones gave perhaps the left’s most mature response, “Pass the popcorn, and then the vomit bag.” It sounds like a teenager’s comment on Instagram. The Guardian was more sophisticated but no less petty, commenting that lead actor Laurence Fox “has finally found material equal to his talents.” The bitterness is palpable. Again, this is all based on the trailer. When you see the left firing up this much flak, it means you’re right over the target.
8-24-22 | Per Breitbart, film director Robert Davi explained to Fox News host Jesse Watters why he made My Son Hunter. “I was frustrated, like all of America watching that Biden story — the laptop story being buried, continually buried,’ he said. ‘So when [the film project was proposed to me], I was like Peter Finch in Network — ‘I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore,’ as the American people are…Davi said he didn’t want to demonize Hunter’s drug abuse in the movie because he also has family members who have battled addiction. ‘I also wanted to humanize the relationship between father and son, while at the same time showing the corruption and the underbelly, the psychology behind the codependency that Hunter had with his dad, as well as with the drugs.'”
5-12-22 | Per The Daily Mail, “The lawyer who rescued Hunter Biden by paying his more than $2 million in overdue taxes flew on a private jet to Serbia in order to infiltrate and spy on the movie set for My Son Hunter, can exclusively reveal.” This means they are very worried about this film. Kevin Morris, Hunter’s lawyer, is said to have posed as fellow filmmaker making a documentary about Hunter, and by doing so gained access to the full set. “‘They seemed to never switch the camera off – now I know why. This was an information gathering exercise by a lawyer and his associates for their client,’ McAleer said.”
3-17-22 | Per Legal Insurrection, the New York Times has finally admitted the Hunter Biden Laptop is real, hiding the mention deep in an article in the back pages. “Undoubtedly one of the most shameful moments in the history of American journalism came in October 2020, when just a few weeks before the presidential election Joe Biden-supporting Democrats, media outlets including NPR, CNN, the WaPo, Politico, and others colluded with Big Tech to suppress the NY Post’s solid investigative reporting (backed up by additional reporting from the Daily Caller) on the Hunter Biden laptop and the emails that were contained on it that raised major concerns about influence peddling.…Fast forward some 17 months, and the New York Times has dropped some fresh reporting on the topic, ‘confirming’ what we already knew about the emails: ‘People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.'”
10-25-21 | The filmmakers of the upcoming film My Son Hunter showed a copy of one of Hunter Biden’s “art” works to passersby on Venice Beach to see what people thought the art was worth. The general answer was not much, which invites the dead obvious question no one at the New York Times and other top media seem willing to ask: why are professional buyers paying as much as half a million dollars for Hunter’s work, and what exactly are they really buying?
9-22-21 | Journalist Glenn Greenwald: “An axis of the CIA, Big Tech and the DNC-allied wing of the corporate media spread an absolute lie [regarding Biden family emails on Hunter Biden’s computer] in the weeks before the 2020 election. We now have definitive proof.”
9-22-21 | Politico finally concedes the authenticity of Hunter Biden laptop.
3-16-21 | PJMedia reports that The Unreported Story Society — which previously produced Obamagate: The Movie as well as Gosnell — is now gearing up for a biopic on Hunter Biden, son of President Biden. “The movie, titled My Son Hunter, will be a ‘biopic of Hunter Biden chronicling his elitist party lifestyle, dodgy business dealings, family drama, and corruption.'” They are looking to raise $2.5 million via crowdfunding. You can donate here.