This short film collection (volume 2) features eight of the most entertaining and powerful short films, music videos, and parodies on libertarian subjects.
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Top Short Filmsi v.5
Ron Paul Sings About the War on Drugs
Ron Paul and musician Michael Gregory make an impassioned plea to end the War on Drugs–in song!
[3 min]
Topics: Legalize Drugs
“Actual Video” of Hillary Clinton’s Emails Being Destroyed
A clip from the German film Downfall is used to depict a “behind the scenes” view of Hillary Clinton’s emails being destroyed. Hilarious. [2 min]
Topics: Corrupt Government
How Mickey Mouse Destroyed the Public Domain
Excellent short video explains how crony (Disney) capitalism destroyed the public domain by relentlessly over-extending copyrights for Mickey Mouse. [3 min]
Topics: Econ 101 | Law & Liberty
Tim Slagle’s Halloween Tax Skit
Libertarian comedian Tim Slagle suggests using Halloween as a “teaching moment” about taxation. [3 min]
Topics: Anti-Taxation
Harvesting Liberty
In this beautifully photographed short film, a Kentucky farmer talks about efforts to legalize hemp cultivation in the US, and what the farming and harvesting of hemp means to people like himself. [12 min]
Topics: Anti-Regulation | Legalize Drugs
Make Mine Freedom
An early pro-capitalism animated short film from 1948. [9 min]
Topics: Pro-capitalism I Anti-socialism
If You Like Your Plan You Can Keep It: The Rap (w/ Remy)
Comedian/songwriter Remy raps about Obama’s “if you like your plan you can keep your plan” promise to the American people.[2 min]
Topics: Government Healthcare
The Stanford Prison Experiment (Original Footage)
A 1971 Stanford University experiment in which students role-play prisoners and guards is canceled after six days, when student “guards” turn unexpectedly abusive. [28 min]
Topics: Abuse of Power | Power Corrupts
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