Per Reason, a 1980s TV show that aired in the Soviet Union alleged in a perfectly serious tone that revolutionary hero Vladimir Lenin was a mushroom. It was a parody, but just like food in the USSR, not everyone got it.
“Seven months before the USSR dissolved, a Soviet TV show called The Fifth Wheel aired an unusual episode. The host, Sergei Sholokhov, began by declaring that the program would ‘shed new light’ on the revolution that had brought the Bolsheviks to power. His guest, the writer and musician Sergei Kurekhin, then started spinning an elaborate theory. ‘I have indisputable evidence,’ he said, ‘that the October Revolution was the brainchild of people who’d been taking hallucinating mushrooms for years, and in the long run, mushrooms replaced their personalities, and they turned into mushrooms. So, I just want to say that Lenin was a mushroom. Furthermore, he was not just a mushroom, but also a radio wave.'”