July 4th, Independence Day, is America’s annual celebration commemorating its Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The Cato Institute has a nice summary of what is in the Declaration and why it is such a landmark in the foundation of human liberty:
1) We are all created equal — no one ought to have any special rights and privileges in his social relations with other people.
2) We have certain rights — to our life, to our freedom, to do what we please in order to find happiness.
3) Government has just one purpose — to help us protect those rights.
4) And if it doesn’t — then we get to ‘alter or abolish it.’
Here are eight short films to celebrate the day.
Of all the readings of the US Declaration of Independence, this one from the series Sons of Liberty, dramatized and set to music, is my favorite. [4 min]
A colonial America version of “It’s Too Late to Apologize.” [3 min]
The musical group Anthem Lights sings American Medley, an uplifting blend of patriotic American songs. [3 min]
Awkward Exes: Britain & America 1776 – The Breakup. [3 min]
Paul Harvey tells the price paid by the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. [8 min]
Man-on-the-street interviews reveal that many Americans have no idea why we celebrate July 4th or even from which country we gained independence. [6 min]
Web comedy sensation Remy raps about the government being “all up in his grill” on July 4th. [1 min]
Libertarian Ron Swanson explains the significance of July 4th. [1 min]
A gusty young man insists on his Constitutional rights at a 4th of July DUI checkpoint. Washington and Jefferson would be proud. Note one policeman saying to another: “He knows his rights. He knows what the Constitution says.” The tree of liberty must be constantly replenished, if not with the blood of patriots, then at least with their determination and fortitude. [6 min]