Have you noticed how government (and its allied media) have lately been playing with the definitions of words as part of their political spin? Reason’s Grammarly: Government Edition parody skit shows how it’s done. “Whether you want to spin your way out of a recession, walk back your support of rioters, or simply rile up your donor base, Grammarly offers helpful suggestions to make your political messaging as clear—or murky—as you need. And no, it doesn’t fix typos.”
All these definitional changes are from real-life examples. For instance: A recession, long defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth, is now something more subtle and complicated, only to be defined years after the fact by special experts. “Infrastructure,” which most people think of as roads, bridges, etc., now includes the green new deal, with tons of solar/wind subsidies. And of course views that were moderate, centrist, or even libertarian a couple of decades ago are now dangerous right-wing extremism.