Tuesday’s election results have apparently left Hollywood execs in shock, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “Across Hollywood, agents, studio executives, producers and thousands of rank-and-file employees showed up at work Wednesday in a daze…All told, the Center for Responsive Politics reports Clinton garnered $22 million in contributions from the entertainment industry, compared to a mere $290,000 for Trump. Now, Clinton’s stunning defeat has left Hollywood in shock — and questioning whether it is out of touch with a wide swath of the country.”
Had they been paying attention, they might have noticed that the three highest-grossing political documentaries of the last four years were all attacks on the entrenched Left: Obama’s America (2012), America: Imagine the World Without Her (2014), and Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party (2016). By contrast, Michael Moore hasn’t had a hit since 2009, and his most recent film, Michael Moore in Trumpland (2016), was only shown briefly in theaters before being self-distributed on iTunes.
Meanwhile, Business Insider reports that the journalistic “deplorables” are about to steal some of the spotlight, with movies, online TV networks, and radio shows. “Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Michael Cernovich and Michael Savage [as well as James O’Keefe and Mark Dice] are enjoying celebrity status as never before, and it’s not likely to change.”