The 1981 “end of days” film Early Warning now seems oddly prescient in some ways. As you can see in this clip, it predicted a future in which leaders from around the world would gather to strategize coordinated management of the world’s population, taking advantage of crises (“never waste a crisis“) to implement tracking numbers, measures to control public opinion, digital finance such that individuals would own nothing and depend on electronic accounts that could be taken away at a keystroke, centralized control of the global economy, etc.
And who is supposedly plotting for world government? Well, the folks at the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab, of course. They aren’t even trying to hide it. They have, of course, the best of intentions, as did so many before them. Per Wikipedia, Klaus “postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs). He argues that governments are no longer ‘the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage’ and that ‘the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance’.” Gee, a world ruled by a “self-selected” elites. Sounds like paradise. J.P. Sears made a short video about Klaus. Consider it your early warning. The World Economic Forum is attended by many of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people.
Are you ambitious? A certified leftist? Want to control, I mean help, people around the world? The World Economic Forum even has a program for training you: The Young Global Leaders.