A communist party activist’s faith in the communist system is shaken when she witnesses a government massacre of striking workers. [ Dear Comrades credits: Dir: Andrey Konchalovskiy/ AYuliya Vysotskaya, Vladislav Komarov, Andrey Gusev/ 121 min/ Drama, History/ Anti-Socialism/ Russia/ 2020]
provider: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3olj_93LnJA&t=2s
src: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3olj_93LnJA?start=2&feature=oembed
src mod: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3olj_93LnJA?start=2
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/3olj_93LnJA
External Reviews
“A knockout film about the Soviet nightmare.”
–National Review
“A tribute to the fallen, and so fine an example of cinematic craft that it ensures they will not quickly be forgotten again, Dear Comrades! also touches on something ubiquitous, on patterns of behaviour as relevant today as they ever were. It’s a work of astonishing power and one you should make certain not to miss.”
–Eye For Film
“Beautifully directed and finely acted, Dear Comrades! is a mesmerizing film that belongs on the too-short list of anti-communist classics like The Lives of Others and Cold War. The film dramatizes the emotional and personal costs that millions paid by their belief in communism. For many, like Whittaker Chambers, that reality hit not when a geopolitical theory or economic system was debunked, but because those with a conscience admitted that they heard the screams.”
–Law & Liberty
How to See It
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