So what would happen if you went to an Antifa rally and simply held a sign advocating free speech? One intrepid free speech hero decided to find out. This short clip rips the lid off of Antifa’s “anti-fascist” credentials — like no film I have ever seen before — to reveal the seething, angry, violent fascists they actually are.
Note that this is a pure case scenario. A completely nonviolent man — he says almost nothing, and does almost nothing, expressing himself in remarkably peaceful, one might even say passive, manner — just holding a sign with the innocuous message, “The right to openly discuss ideas must be defended.” All the action, all the aggression, is initiated by Antifa.
Note also the Orwellian use of language by the Antifa activists. They shout “no Nazis!,” “no platform for racism!,” “no platform for homophobia!,” “no platform for white supremacy!,” etc., as though his silent message for free speech were advocating these things and therefore threatening them, and once establishing that through repetition, they move forward as a group — a dozen at least against one — physically driving him out. This is exactly how the “speech is violence” concept works. If what you say offends me, it constitutes “violence,” and therefore I am “defending myself” by getting actually violent toward you. It’s a neat justification for the kind of political violence the left has long been itching for.