While many other comedians are walking on eggshells in response to an ever-growing range of restrictions in what can be joked about, British comedian Andrew Lawrence is going in the other direction — taking a running leap past the bounds of proscribed “good taste.” His skits are provocative, original, and outstandingly funny. Andrew Lawrence can be seen in the UK at Comedy Unleashed, and you can find more of his work on his homepage, YouTube, and Twitter. (You can find more libertarian-ish comedians here.)
In this short bit, “Seargent-Constable Detective Officer Peter Pisspot from Twat Valley Police” makes an explanatory announcement about the stabbing of several people in Forbury Gardens by Khairi Saadallah.
TV presenter “Johnny Smugface” explains why he is disappointed that JK Rowling outrageously claimed that only women can menstruate, a claim that has caused her to be slammed in social media.
And lastly, “Dr. Gideon Micropenis” cheerfully announces that his job has been cut as his university is letting old white men go in favor of improving diversity.