Shakespeare once said “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players…” That would be innocent enough except left-wing intellectuals have decided to do the casting — on the basis of racial identity politics. If you are in race X, well then here are your predetermined characteristics and this is your predetermined relationship to this person of race Y. There’s nothing you can do about it; you are merely the unwitting and helpless product of “history” and have inherited the role. But what happens when a person is not just one race, but the product of many? That just can’t be allowed because then the whole farce, I mean drama, breaks down. The outstanding documentary How Jack Became Black — a healing film for our times by the way — explores the left’s idea that race should be supremely important, and the damage that idea does to all of our lives, through the eyes of interracial people who are in the crossfire of this controversy.